There are people who say that religion is no longer needed in our time. Its perpetuation is considered an obstacle to the progress of human civilization. Even though it is deemed foolish, it is still tolerated as a private matter and has nothing to do with public life particularly politics and economics. People who propagate this idea are either not honest or blind. They deny and could not see that their loyalty to atheism, humanism, autonomy, antinomianism, and statism are the popular and new forms of religions in our day.

Saturday, August 10, 2013

"Peace, peace when there is no peace"

The prophet Isaiah said, "How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news, who proclaim peace, who bring good tidings, who proclaim salvation, who say to Zion, 'Your God reigns!'" (52:7). The gospel, peace and the reality of God's reign are inseparable themes in this prophetic declaration. Reading this prophetic message, I could not avoid thinking about man's current quest for peace apart from the gospel. Is it really possible? Is it really possible to have peace without believing that God is still on his throne? Is it really possible to have peace when the ruling ideology in the academe is one of atheism, humanism, statism and antinomianism? Is God reigning in religion and theology? Isn't the trend now one of inclusivism and denial of the exclusivity of Christianity? How about in economics and monetary policy? Isn't the dominant monetary policy for so long one of dishonesty and currency debasement that wars against savings and robs workers of the fruit of their labors? How about the family? Isn't the idea of the family now under attack and the state has redefined its meaning that even same sex marriage is considered legal? Similar thing is happening in other spheres. How can genuine peace exists when the entire world is declaring an all-out war against God and His word? 

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